Tag Archives: Social Media

Hollywood is More Sexist than Seth MacFarlane

26 Feb


I’m not even sure why I turned on the Oscars Sunday. Maybe I’ve been brainwashed from watching marathons of Toddlers & Tiaras.  Perhaps I was sick of the same two commercials on Hulu, Or maybe it was just to see how Seth MacFarlane would do in a room full of elitist idiots. Whatever the case, I watched on Sunday, shared reviews on Monday and am putting in my two cents today.

No, I’m not going to start reeling about sexist boob jokes or comments about domestic violence. I’m not even going to start whining about child rape jokes. Why? Because I am a feminist. Yes, you heard me right. A feminist who can recognize the comedic value of satirical comedy. A feminist who sees the bigger picture and can shift the blame from Seth MacFarlane to Hollywood, where it belongs.

There wouldn’t even be a “Boob Song” for Seth to sing about if women weren’t constantly pressured to take their clothes off for a role. Women are tricked into taking their clothes off by producers, directors, publicist and agents that insist it will be better for their image, that it’s critical for the depth of the role or they have to be sexy to be relevant again. Sure, its acting…it’s not real, but guess what the fact that we saw your boobs is real.


I ache for Charlize Theron as she hangs her head in shame. Yet, I can’t help but celebrate Jennifer Lawrence as she pumps her arm in satisfaction that she has not shown her tits. Let JLaw be a lesson to young Quvenzhane as she will soon be facing the sexualization of women in Hollywood (or probably already is). The fact that several of the movies mentioned during the “Boob Song” were films in which the actors were raped further proves my point that we should be blaming and shaming Hollywood and not Seth MacFarlane.

Rape is never about sex. So the fact that boobs are shown during rape scenes is another form of rape.


As for the Chris Brown/Rihanna comment, at least Seth MacFarlane has the balls to call out their relationship for what it is: Domestic Violence. Yes, perhaps he undermined the premise of the film he was referring to, but anyone who thinks that comment was derogatory toward Rihanna doesn’t understand that it is OUR duty, not hers, to hold him accountable for the violence and abuse.


I’m not a huge Clooney fan, but if you are going to make a joke about how old white guys often sexually abuse young girls, I am pretty sure George is a safe target. Considering his reputation, I think he can be a good sport about it. And yes, she is 9, but remember she IS a Hollywood actor now and did you see Kristen Stewart? She is in a relationship with some old guy and now look at how she’s doing. Better to prepare Quvenzhane now rather than blame her later.


I suppose I shouldn’t expect much from an awards show that only thinks there are 9 films worth watching this year. Or cuts someone off as they are trying to make a plea about their actor-friend who is facing financial troubles. I’m one of those silly idealist anarchists who thinks that people are smarter than they really are. I’m guessing Seth MacFarlane is one of those silly comedians who thinks Hollywood will see past the fart jokes and chicken fights to see the intelligent humor embedded within.

P.S. Channing Tatum could have had a past as a stripper, diets ARE ridiculous, and most women of Armenian descent do have facial hair. So, these 9 Sexist Things about That happened at the Oscars weren’t really sexist until this article was written.

P.P.S.S. Anyone who thinks that Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, would get free reign over his pick of Oscar jokes must have forgot that his show was cancelled for five years, revived by Adult Swim and is now back on Fox as a staple of American television. Despite controversy, Seth MacFarlane is a man ahead of his time.

P.P.P.S.S.S. If something happened with Roman Polanski in Jack Nicholson’s house, I want to know about it.
